A Typical Day at Playgroup
Monday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

A parent volunteer opens promptly at 10:00 a.m. Enjoy our roomy play space with lots of toys including climbing structures, giant building blocks, a Brio table, toy kitchen and accessories, trucks, a Lego table, infant area and more. Have a cup of coffee while you sit and watch your children play.

At 10:30 a.m. it is snack time. A parent volunteer sets out a healthy snack for the children, who sit at child size tables and socialize while they eat. Snacks are provided by The Family Connection, as are high chairs for infants. Parent Volunteers help clean-up the snack room and wash the cups and dishes.

Next, it is craft time at 11:00 a.m. Parent volunteers lead and age appropriate craft that is fun and simple for the kids to do. Alternatively, parents may choose to lead story or music time or a movement class.

Playtime continues until 11:45 when all parents and children help clean-up and put away toys. We start circle time when the room is clean and the kids can enjoy a few minutes of singing and Ring-around-the-Rosie. As you can see The Family Connection relies heavily on its parent volunteers to keep its door open.